Life of Pi is one of the most talked about movie of 2012. I loved the way Ang Lee depicted the book. The visual interpretation and filters used in the film was absolutely breathtaking and the story itself is surprisingly inspiring. Yes, I said it is "surprisingly inspiring" because all these years, I've been brainwashed by my brother who made a book report when he was in high school about this book. He said it is the most boring book he's ever read and I believed him, simply because he was the book lover in the family and he has an impeccable taste when it comes to books. I guess he is wrong about this one. When I watched the trailer after the Oscars, I became curious and thought I should give this movie a chance. Besides, I am very attracted to anything visually appealing and so I watched it and I fell inlove with it.
Life of Pi is a book about faith, hope, and strength in times of adversity. It is a story about survival in times of desperate situations. I was amazed on how courageous and pure the main character was. His curiosity and thirst for experience and knowledge is probably what made me so drawn to the character. Plus, I can totally relate to the story because I was also in a desperate and hopeless situation myself. A time when I thought there was nothing left for me. But after a while, this served as the turning point of my life and gave me wisdom and courage to face everything life has to offer.
It is true when they said that pain and suffering is inevitable in this life. But what makes us who we are is the choice we make after the fall. Are we going to stay on the ground or stand up and fight again? In the story, Pi had to go through major changes in such a short span of time. From moving to another country with his family and leaving his loved one behind, then losing the his family and livelihood because of the shipwreck and then surviving the days and nights he was in the middle of nowhere almost dying in thirst and hunger. On top of that, he feared for his life every single day because he was stuck with a tiger who is also hungry and thirsty. Of course, being a wild animal, he has no control over his urge but because of this fear and responsibility, Pi learned to fight, be alert and conquer everything he thought he couldn't do. This is where his faith comes in handy.
Sometimes, we find ourselves in situations when we are so scared we unleash our inner "tiger" because that is how we can only protect ourselves. We don't want to, but we are forced to for survival. I remember when I was able to unleash my inner "tiger". I'm not proud of it but it made me see how strong I can be. I know the people involved will never looked at me the way they did before and you know what, for the first time in my life, I didn't care. I was proud I defended myself. I was glad I was able to express the hurt and pain inflicted to me. I thought, I didn't deserve that, so why would I even be sensitive to what they have to feel when they didn't do the same to me. I lost everything and gave up everything because I thought it was worth it. Whatever you give you receive right? But you know what, I received what I gave. Maybe not with the person whom I expected to give it back me. But with the person who truly deserved it. All we had to do is just have faith and hope that it will be given unto you, and the strength to let go of the things that doesn't serve you any good.
This movie will always remind me that life is beautiful regardless of how much setbacks or troubles I will experience. With faith, that God made us to be blessed and be a blessing; hope, that we are born to live a happy and prosperous life: and strength that even if life will sometimes be difficult, with the right attitude and positivity, we will get through anything.
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