Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Taco Salad

I think a lot will agree with me on this but eating tacos is so damn messy to eat but you can't help but get addicted to it because it is just so delicious. It has a perfect balance of crunch and taste plus it has a lot of veggies you wouldn't feel guilty eating them.

I remember back in college, my friend Sam introduced me to a less messy version of this wonderful snack or maybe pulutan is more appropriate. I think college for everyone is the time when everyone started to learn to drink. Atleast for the "curious" ones. He made it using the same process when you make a regular taco the only difference is that he Taquitos as the tortilla and of course I fell inlove with it! I personally think it is way better to make this salad than to eat the regular tacos because it is less messy to eat.

I think I should give Sam the credit because he introduced me to this. This is so good I can eat this everyday. The only difference is that, I used tortilla chips instead of Taquitos and romaine lettuce instead of cabbage but the taste is almost the same. Sam, thank you for this recipe!

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