Thursday, 10 July 2014

Binagoongang Baboy

Here is the thing, I suck at following recipes. Everytime I am curious about a certain dish, I just research it online or watch a tutorial in Youtube. I just need a basic idea how to make a certain dish. 

It is important to me that I know what something taste before I can recreate it. If I liked something, I don't stop until I find the best recipe then tweak it to make it ala Lou Anne style. It's always fun to try new things because the creativity required in recreating a dish express my emotion and love for cooking.

This is my version of Binagoongang Baboy and I am proud because everyone who tasted this style loved it. It will require extra work( and extra calories) but it sure is one of my specialty dishes. 

Let these photos speak for itself. Enjoy!

Puto leche

I've seen and heard about this Puto Leche and I've always wondered what the fuzz is all about. It sounds like a great idea but I wasn't really sure what it will taste like. Since I am the type to try new things, I researched for a recipe and tried making them. 

The ingredients are very basic. Nothing was put to waste because the egg whites from the egg yolks used in the "leche" part was used in the actual puto. I will admit that I was a bit overwhelmed with the idea that I will be using condensed milk in the leche part because i thought it will become too sweet. And I was right. But, this puto leche looks so yummy and pretty so I guess I just need to look for a better leche recipe. 

Here are the photos. Enjoy!

What changed...

It's been a while since I last posted in this blog. It sucks because updating my blog regularly was one of my New year's resolution and obviously, I haven't made any post until today.

 I've been quite busy (and lazy) and I didn't have time to cook so there's nothing to share actually. Although I've made a couple of discoveries that changed the recipes on some dishes that I usually make, I didn't think it was enough to make a post out of it.

My life has completely changed since last year. The way I think, act and respond to things has been different and I've seen improvement in general. The clarity that I've always prayed for has been answered. For once in my life, I knew what direction I wanted to pursue. What is so amazing is how it becomes clear to me about  what I want and what I don't want in my life. There is always a sense of ease knowing that everything will be okay in the midst of all the confusion and setbacks. I learned to have faith, patience and understanding that everything has its own time and things that are meant to happen will happen regardless of how I try to avoid it. 

I firmly believe that everything you do comes back to you. The life you live now is the outcome of every decision we made in our lives. Our success and failures will depend on how we envision ourself...a victor or a victim.

 Life is tough. And it is up to us if we fight back or just give in. As for me... I choose fight because I choose to win in life.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Wish fulfillment..

I've experienced a lot of difficulties and failures in life. I just had one wish, and that is to be truly happy. Then one day I woke up realizing why I have to endure everything. 

I was betrayed to learn how to love unconditionally. Lost everything to learn how to have faith in God's plan. Got rejected a lot of times to learn to have hope and trust that there is always something better in store for me. I became completely broke to learn how to appreciate compassion and kindness of other people. I got lost to remember that I will always have my family and our home. Give up some friends to appreciate the loyalty of the ones who decided to stay. But the most important lesson for me is also the key to fulfilling my greatest wish. Gratitude.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

For the love of Korean food.

I love Korean food! Maybe because I was too brainwashed by all the korean dramas I've been watching. 

It's been a while since I've been craving for korean food. But all the good korean restos are too far from where we live. And so, I attempted to make one of the most popular korean dish... Bibimbap.

I am actually surprised how easy to prepare this. I will post the recipe next time. For now, here is the finished product. 

Frozen Brazo de Mercedes

For now, I will let the picture tell you how awesome this dessert is. 

Friday, 12 July 2013

On keeping the love alive...

I think it’s great for two people to be together. That is a good number. I think, that to keep it alive though, you can’t spend every day together. It wears out the magic, Love means nothing to me if it’s not fortified with fierce, painful longing, brief explosive instances of furious passion and intimacy and then a sad parting for a time.

In that way, you can give your life to it and still have a life of your own. I think some couples spend too much time together. They flatten out the potential for experience by constant closeness.

Passion builds over time like steam. Let it rage until it’s exhausted and then leave it alone to let it build up again.

Why can’t love be insane and distorted? How can it be vital if it has the same threshold as normal day-to-day experience?  Why not let the days before you see her be excruciating and ferment in your mind so on the day you go to the airport to pick her up, you’re nearly sick with anticipation?

And then when desire shows the first sign of contentment, throw it back in its cage and let it slowly build itself back into a state of starved fury.

Then when you are together, it all matters. So that when you look into her eyes, you lose your balance, so that when she touches you, it feels like you have never been touched before. When she says your name, you think it was she who named you. When she has gone, you bury your face in the pillow to smell her hair and you lie awake at night remembering your face in her neck, her breathing and the amazing smell of her skin. Your eyes go wet because you want her so bad and miss her so much.

Now that is worth the miles and the time. That matches the inferno of life.

Otherwise you poison each other with your presence day after day as you drag each other through the inevitable mundane aspects of your lives. That is the slow death that I see slapped on faces everywhere I go. It’s part of the world’s sadness that’s more empty than cold, poorly lit rooms."

- Henry Rollins

From Tina Tagle's Blog